The Eye Which We Do Not Have

Opening Friday May 24th at 7pm, puppet show tickets
followed by slow dancing at 8pm. slow dancing tickets
Runs through June 1st.

$10 online or $15 at the door. Very limited seating. 25 seats per show.

STANDARD TOYKRAFT is located in Brooklyn
at 722 Metropolitan ave. L train to Graham AveMAP HERE
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madness, sexuality, perilous, precarious, desire… PUPPETS

The Eye Which We Do Not Have,
by Kate Brehm and imnotlost.

Visually evocative and stunningly surreal, The Eye Which We Do Not Have delves into the psyche of a woman at a sexual precipice. Unsettled by her own desire, a woman reaches the brink. Standing at this precipice of a seemingly perilous sexuality, she imagines her house and it furnishing are driving her to a point of no return. Inspired by Hitchcock, cinema, and comic books, The Eye Which We Do Not Have destroys lines between puppets, scenery, and special effects. An experiment in time and motion, it draws you lovingly into its alternate world where sheets attack, furniture compresses, and stairs go past forever.

see photos and video of the development process at

"Kate Brehm is a visionary artist in our field. Her work consistently pushes the boundaries of puppet theater." - Basil Twist

"The size of this cafe is a puppet. The triangle between my eye, yours, and the coffee cup is a puppet. The mass of the table is a puppet. The division of space is a puppet. The rate at which time flows is a puppet. This is how Kate Brehm thinks when she thinks about puppets." - Daniel Maidman, Huffington Post. Full Article HERE

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Puppeteered by: Lawrence Carrilo, Katie Melby, Dorothy James, Tracy Howard, and Siobhan O'Loughlin

Design Team: Poe Saegusa (lights), Ari Boles with Magda Rachwal (main puppet), Andrew Livingston (sound), Alan Besson (illustrations), Kate Brehm with Michael Kerns (set)

May 2013